Our First Blog, Dat starts nothing but what we deal with. We often regard Fashion and Style as something thats Synonymous to each other. But nah! Fashion is what you buy and Style is what you do with it.
Fashion is a popular style or practice, what makes it work is the Style. A lot of times, we go crazy and buy over anything that's in Fashion lingo been called "its in" and i really doubt if we even wear them. For eg. D current craze for Neon's, Have seen women d so called Fashionable women being glowing like a glow worm from top to bottom in their fluorescents. But dude, that's were u get raided by d FASHION POLICE.. A complete Fashion faux pah Disasters happen in buying, but I dont agree that they can happen in wearing.
Here are few Common Blunders we intend to make to look fashionable:
Showing Too much: Showing too much of anything is just gonna make heads
turn for you, and you too embarrassed to handle it. Unless thats what
you wnat. Instead learn your body type, now whats the awesome assets you
have and flaunt them. We recommend, Flaunting a flat belly if you have
one with short tops or a plunging neckline if u have d correct cleavage,
or a backless top for d one with perfectly polished back. Definitely
you cant have all of this in one.!!!
3. Improper Fits: Too large, too small – it doesn’t really matter, the point is that both
can and do look bad and, even worse, make you look bad! Don’t hide in
the folds of your baggy outfit and don’t try to squeeze yourself into
something just for the sake of being able to say “I’m a size so-and-so”.
Your outfit needs to have shape and structure, it needs to show off
your best parts, flatter your curves and be kind to your critical spots.
5. Peek a boo-boo: Well, this right here might easily be the worst fashion mistake ever and
I believe you’ll agree! Choosing the right underwear isn’t rocket
science and although matching individual garments can sometimes prove to
be tough work, your entire effort goes down the drain if you neglect
this crucial thing!
6. Making up with Your MAKE UP:
Remember make up is usually used to highlight or hide the flaws n
flaunts.. too many things together hmmm if you do get inspired by
Remember we really dont want to make a mockery out of us in r so called assumptions of Fashion, just get it right and der it goes...
Picture Courtesy Google!!
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